Dog photography for the goodest of boys and girls

What can I say, except I am always ready to sniff out the perfect shot

Hey, as you probably know - I am natalie

Where do I even start when it comes to my love for dogs.
Maybe at the part where I literally need to warn people who spend time with me, that if the opportunity arrises and I see a cute dog, I will be pulling over and going to ask if I can be said dog’s new best friend.
Or maybe I can talk to you about just how much my dogs changed my life, from my boy Caune back home in Czech, to first Jim, then Ozzie ( both chunky staffies ) and now Peter Barker ( also staffie but the skinny mountain goat type ) and Bear ( Romanian street dog, I actually he might be half bear to be completely honest with you guys )

When my Jim got sick, I decided to start taking photos of him in various / magical situations, bigger than life, just to show, just how much I actually loved that dude. That’s how mighty paws have been born.
As much as I absolutely love photoshopping dogs bigger than the leaning tower of Pisa, I also understand that those photos might not be for absolute everyone, and that is absolutely fine.. because

…well because I absolutely love capturing those raw, beautiful relationships you and your dogs have. And the true personality of your best friends in unobtrusive, yet stunning way.
So whether you’d like a portrait like you never seen before, or some charming and natural photos of your dogs, I am your girl.
Come say hi please!

“Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.”

I genuinely believe that dogs are our guardian angels that we can hug. As someone who had to say goodbye to my Caune, Jim and Ozzie, I really can’t even begin to tell you just how important having photos you can look at and love few years down the line is. Just seeing them age, the grey hairs starting to creep in, their eyes looking like they really know what life is about.

Personally, I hate having my photos taken so it will always be my absolute number one priority to make any photoshoot as comfortable as possible - as well as, telling the story of your love and your relationship - while letting all the quirks take the centre stage too, because - what would we be without our quirks.
If you want to find out more about the experience, just fill in the contact form below and I will be in touch as soon as possible.